This year was great! Here’s our wrap-up of the year 2022:

  • We greeted 2022 with a new distribution partner in Lithuania – Baltic Agro, a part of Danish Agro;
  • We have launched our electronic product ordering platform. Hundreds of farmers order our products in a matter of minutes, and the goods reach them in one to two days!
  • In the spring, in Vilkaviškis district, we organized our first Field Day, solely focused on microbiology.
  • Our company participated in the largest agriculture exhibition in Lithuania “Agrovizija” as the sole biotechnology company.
  • We have begun testing our biological product against plant diseases for use on leaf surfaces in farms. This product will be as effective as chemical fungicides and will have the prerequisites to work even better. In 2023, mass product testing will take place on our demo farms.
  • Compared to 2021, in 2022 our sales have doubled! We are now investing in the development of the scientific unit, the laboratory, and the growth of consultants in the regions of Lithuania as well as entering new markets.
  • The sprinter in our portfolio in 2022 was Biomas PROTECT, our product to fight fungal pathogens in the soil. Its sales grew 4 times! More and more farms are seeing that preventing disease in every sense is more beneficial than fighting diseases afterward.

For you, we will continue to work patiently and hard in an even greater capacity.